Ways to stop spending money!

Ways to stop spending money!

Hey guys!

Not sure where you live, but we are in the thick of winter here in Illinois and it seems like it will NEVER end! It makes the days extra long and no one enjoys being stuck inside! I don’t know about you, but when I’m bored and just need to get out I head straight for Target. A horrible habit that was costing us a lot of extra money because 9 times out of 10 we didn’t actually need anything! Another problem is online shopping, its so easy to do especially when you don’t even need to get off the couch!

Recently I’ve been doing a lot better on my “boredom” shopping and if you have the same problem I’ll list a few of my best tips below!!

1- Delete your credit cards from everything online!

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Yes that means amazon prime….better yet you could even delete it! I know, I know, lets not get crazy here. However, If you have to actually enter in your information every time you go to buy something you’ll have a little bit more time to think about if you actually need it or not!

2- Find a new place to go!


I know we all need to get out of the house and see real people and get some fresh air (especially if you have kids)! That doesn’t always have to mean going shopping. Try to find a new place to designate as your “go-to”.

If you have kids look around for stuff in your community, our library has such a great place space for the kids, we also have an indoor soccer field that they open up with a bunch of toys every morning! Its far better than a trip to target, and far cheaper.

If you don’t have kids think about a more relaxing approach…maybe take a book to your local coffee shop and read for awhile!

3. Make a list!

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No matter where your going or what you are buying ALWAYS take a list with you. Clothes shopping? Go through your wardrobes and find out the exact pieces you need and write it down. The same with grocery shopping… make a meal plan and then write it all down so you are not as tempted to just buy what you see.

4. Get a gym membership!

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Going to the gym will not only get you out of the house, but it will get you doing something productive and healthy! Basically its a win win situation. You can find some pretty cheap memberships if you look around for them. If you have kids look for the ones with childcare, they may be a little more costly but you really cant beat it! Plus even if you don’t want to work out one day you can drop off the kids and sit in the locker room with a good book!

5- Delete your Varagesale, market place, and other apps!


I would encourage you to get rid of all your buying and selling apps/groups. Unless you are truly looking for stuff you actually need, those apps just temp you with all the cheap stuff you don’t actually need but will buy because its a “good deal”. Its never a good deal if you don’t need it! If you are planning on selling something you can always reload the app!

Those are just a few quick tips to help you get on track and beat the boredom shopping! Leave a comment if you have any great tips of your own, I would love to hear them!
-Katherine (@Minimalist.motherhood)