Top 5 stuck at home tips!

Top 5 stuck at home tips!

Hey guys! Is it just me or is anyone else going a little crazy being stuck at their house all the time?!?

If you are not stuck at home and deemed essential I just want to say thank you so much for working to keep us safe and the stores stocked!! We are all so grateful for everything you do!

If you are stuck I’m sharing a few things that have helped keep us a little bit more sane throughout this entire thing! Here are my top 5 tips when stuck at home!!!


  1. Prepare for the messes & embrace it.

    We have 4 kids under 5 and have been stuck at home for 2 weeks and who knows how much longer…. they are making messes left and right!! While obviously I’m not loving this part or encouraging it. I’m prepared (thank you Naturally It’s clean) and I’m no longer stressing over every little one!

    For example . . .

    If you saw my Insta stories you know my kids colored on our rug with a blue marker.

    NO Problem! I Can clean it up quickly and just move on!

    My favorite cleaning products of all time are Naturally it’s clean! Their carpet cleaner cleaned this up so quick & easy with no problems! Plus it’s safe for your family which is HUGE! Especially when we are all stuck at home right now! I really encourage you to check them out! I have loved every one of their products I’ve tried!!

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While I’m totally not encouraging messes, having a plan and not getting so upset about them is really helping! Bonus points you can get everything you need from Naturally It’s Clean on Amazon! Just use this link and check out all their products or check out their website.

They even gave me a code for you!

Use Code 10KathB3 at checkout!

If you do try it let me know what you think!!


2. Time blocking for all!


I’m not used to my husband being home all day with us. While I love having the extra time together sometimes the work from home/ dad at home things got a bit confusing. So I made this awesome resource to help our family carve out time and keep each other on the same page throughout this entire thing! If you want to feel free to laminate this and use it daily!


3. Snack time. . .

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Seriously, how many snacks can one tiny person eat?!? It kinda felt like we were living in the kitchen and all I was hearing was “mom, can I have a snack” 25,000 times a day. No that’s not an exaggeration that’s real life! :)

I saw this method and I can’t go back! It’s changed the way we snack around here! (I don’t know who to give credit to this for, but I didn’t think of it!) All you do is give each kid a bin and fill it with snacks for the day. When the snacks are gone, that’s it! They are 100% in control of how fast or how slow they eat it and it saves you from hearing the same thing 25,000 times a day! Win/win!


4. Meal plan.

So we all know that going to the grocery store often is no longer a thing! (#stayhome) So when you do go make sure you make it count! Set yourself up with a meal plan BEFORE you go. Look through what you already have and try to make meals out of that FIRST! Then supplement with some things at the store if needed. Most of us have a pantry full of food that we hardly touch….now is the time to USE IT UP! Get creative, stick to easy recipes, and try cooking things from scratch!


5. Time

Between everyone being at home 24/7 and the constant news cycle and everything else going on give yourself some time! Start your day with something positive like scripture or meditation. Let the kids watch TV while you experiment with a new hobby. Take an extra-long shower. Make frozen pizza for dinner! Just give yourself some extra time by yourself to just chill and relax. You can’t be everything to everyone right now and that’s OKAY! You also can’t go and do all the fancy self-care things and that’s okay! Just make sure you are letting yourself breathe and slow down as well!


I really hope you found something helpful for you during this time!

Remember we are all in this together and if you need a friend feel free to reach out!
