Kids Morning Routine!
![Kids Morning Routine!](
I am not a morning person. . . .
I just like a slow morning. . . that’s why I do everything possible to set my family up for a good easy morning.
We set our clothes out the night before.
coffee is on a timer and brewed when we get up
& I try to wake up before the kids to have a little time to myself!
If you have kids then you know once they are awake the craziness begins! :) One thing we have done is made it very clear to the kids what the morning will look like. Consistency is KEY with this!
If we stray or start the morning of another way it tends to screw the entire day up. However, I also want them to have slower mornings as well, so we try and find a healthy medium when it comes to morning chores and routines.
Basically they have three chores!
Once those are done then the rest of the day begins (whatever that might look like)! Keep in mind our oldest is 5 so their chores are not super hard or anything crazy!
Get dressed!
Doesn’t matter if we are leaving the house or not (and we pretty much never do anymore). I personally feel better when I change out of PJs and tend to have a better day. My kids are no different! That’s always a must for us!
My tip is to set clothes out the night before. I do this, my husband does this, and my daughter does her own! It really is a game-changer!
2. Make their beds!
Make your bed and change your life :)
Seriously though, there is nothing better than going to bed at night in a made bed or even just walking into your room with the bed made. It just feels so clean and fresh! Trying to instill that in them now so it becomes an automatic thing later!
My tip would be to let them do it. I almost guarantee they won’t do it “right” but they feel so proud when they try and with age, it will get better. So, for the most part, resist the urge to redo it for them.
3. Clean their room.
The kid’s rooms get cleaned once a day. They seem to respond to cleaning them in the morning rather than at night so that’s just what we do! It works for us so we will keep doing it until it doesn’t work anymore.
My tip would be to give them little jobs inside the big one! For example, if they have cars, trains, stuffies, and books out then let them pick one thing to start with. So start by picking up all the cars first and then go from there. It just helps them not get so overwhelmed by such a big job!
Pretty simple and basic! As they get older things with shift and change but this is what works for us! I will say on Saturdays we do add more chores to the list! They are not fans of Saturday mornings ;) I’ll do another blog post all about how Saturday’s work in our house!
If you want to see how this works in action check out our morning routine Youtube video here!
Hope you are able to find some inspiration.